The financial investment intermediary and operator of the internet service platform pursuant to ยง 2a para. 3 VermAnlG is Investkonzepte GmbH, Otto-Heilmann-Str. 17, 82031 Munich.


Dipl.-BW(FH) Joseph Lwanga Nguefack-Sonkoue @BVMW

An excerpt from a statement by the managing director of afriboom GmbH and initiator of afriboomcrowd after the BVMW roadshow


"It was with great pleasure that I was able to experience a real Africa event where the financing possibilities are presented pragmatically. The German government's development investment fund is taking concrete shape. We should focus even more intensively on the 99.99% of the market, i.e. making German technologies, knowledge and vocational training available for the African market. This will significantly increase the chances of success on the African market, ensure differentiation from the competition and clear positioning.
We are talking about an economy with 59 countries, currently inhabited by around 1.28 billion people (source: Ref. The trend is upwards and by 2050 we are heading for around 2 billion inhabitants in Africa. This should be of great strategic importance for the Federal Republic of Germany and Europe.

However, access to finance should be as direct and concrete as possible. The availability of types of financing (e.g. investment funds) locally plays a decisive role in this - With the microfinance AFRIBOOM FINANCE S.A., we have already established a company in Cameroon to create realistic opportunities for individual entrepreneurs, small businesses, start-ups, small and medium-sized enterprises that want to finance the procurement of equipment, commercial vehicles, trucks, buses, construction machinery, equipment, machinery and industrial plants from Germany. This creates direct added value, both for the German economy and for Africa. It would be important for us to find out which path we should take to get the funds to finance Africa's so-called "business champions" so that we can make our "Made in Germany" products available in Africa. This is why we have launched our financing elements, including the Afriboom microfinance institute and Afriboomcrowd. With these instruments, we want to provide access to financing for equipment and projects. In doing so, we are counting on our German investors. They should recognise these opportunities and become part of our crowd, so that we have the possibility to successfully implement our vision and that of our African partners, generate returns.

At this point I would like to emphasise that through our regular AFRIBOOM GERMAN-AFRICAN BUSINESS FORUM (business trip with business meetings and B2B events between German and African countries) we have built up a strong network of companies in Africa and in Germany. The number of qualitative business contacts is growing steadily and more and more African countries are being connected. We visit individual companies and explore their business and working environment in order to advise and accompany them in the best possible way. These players are real artists of the African market, in view of the operational, but not exactly easy overall business conditions or partly geopolitical conditions, they create sustainable business bases, values and profitability, but of all the most important jobs for the massive population, concrete life perspectives. African companies in cooperation with German companies and investors would ensure the improvement of the quality of life and growth both in Africa and in Germany.
